
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh my goodness, I have a blog? Good grief, I should update this thing!

I’ll keep this mostly brief. I’ve been too busy to update my blog recently because I’ve been under the sway of other things. Those things are:

1) My Lady. She takes up a lot of time but continues to be worth it. As much as I’d like to say we’re spending time getting ready for the wedding…it just isn’t true. We’re going to Florida at the end of the month to check out places and hopefully set a date, but we really aren’t that pumped for the ceremony as much as the actual marriage. (Sound familiar to anyone?)

2) TKD. I’m trying to do as many pushups and situps and splits as I can because I’m just *slowly* clawing my way toward my physical fitness requirements for my next belt and then black belt after that. I’m really close, though.

3) Video games. I’m sure most of you haven’t been paying attention, but the fact of the matter is that there is a STORM of excellent video games hitting between now and the end of the year and while I’m not planning to, nor do I think I’d be able to, play them all, I’m certainly spending a lot of time on the darn things. I even have a list of games I’ve skipped so that I can go back and get them later.

4) My book. The main reason I haven’t been updating my blog is that whenever I get the urge to write, I try and work on my book. I’ve sorta been stonewalled by chapters 7 and 8, which are requiring complete rewrites, so there’s some definite work to be done. I invested in a firewire card and a fancy fast external hard drive in preparation for a) formatting my hard drive to speed up my computer, b) backing up things, and c) getting a firewire audio interface for my computer so that I can start doing music. So I’m hoping to finish my book so that I can give myself permission to pick up another hobby.

Here’s a few highlights, then, of the past few months.

Jess has gotten into quicken. It combines her love of balancing checkbooks with her love of graphs.

We went to Penzey’s spices yesterday. Sisters will enjoy that fact.

We bought the Wii a while ago, I bought a 360, and JESS bought the Playstation 3. This means not only that we are *set*, but that I HAVE THE GREATEST FIANCE OF ALL TIME.

Selling video games on Half.com is a simple and effective way to earn some quick bucks from games you’re not playing anymore. Then you can use that money to get more games.

Jess got me a boat of Good Eats DVDs, and we’ve been watching them and trying out new stuff.

Also other little stuff that I won’t bother with here. I’ll do my best to update this thing, but most of my time is getting spent elsewhere, so perhaps the blog will have to suffer.


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