
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ma ha! This is *my* house.

So we were a singularly stuffed household for a while. My old roommate, D, was staying with us while he transitioned from living in LA to living in San Diego. We have an extra room, so we just put him in there. We didn’t usually see a lot of him, though, being as J(5) and I go to work earlier, he goes to work later, and he often took off on weekends to visit people or go down to San Diego or up to San Jose. So really, it worked out pretty well. And I had someone else to show off my bread-making skills to.

And then on top of that, youngest sister K showed up. Hi, K! We had fun with her around, we made pizza, went to see the Comedy/Magic club, went shopping at an Asian Market, very entertaining, and all sorts of other diversions.

Including a Wii!

Hurraah! I got one! I had to do something I told myself I wouldn’t do, but I did it anyway. I stood in line. There were rumors going around that there was going to be another big shipment glut coming in on a Sunday morning, so I planned a route to check out various stores based on when they were opening up. Target opened up first, but I only got there 10 minutes before it opened, and by that time the line was already too long, and all the consoles had been spoken for. (I picked up some duct tape before I left though. It’s supposed to be good for removing warts. So far, and this is crazy, it’s totally working).

So instead of just hopping from place to place, I decided to stroll over to Circuit City, which wouldn’t be opening for a little while, to see what it was looking like. There was already a line in place, and I didn’t want to stand in line, but I realized I was either going to go home and play video games or just stand in line, whip out my Nintendo DS, and play video games. And if I played in line, at least I’d get a Wii out of the deal.

So I did. I stood in line (well, sat, really) and played some Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (awesome game, Derek got it for me for Christmas and…I got it for him for Christmas, too) and waited patiently for the store to open. When it did, I walked calmly over, picked up a couple accessories and games, and then strolled over to get my Wii. It was a bit of a wait, but not all that bad, and at the end of the day, I managed to get a pretty darn fun console.

So far, I’m having the most fun, really, with Wii Sports, which is a game that comes bundled in with the console. It’s got a fun little golf game, which is a little tricky to control correctly, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing (really hard to control) and the best ever, Bowling. Bowling is really a lot of fun. Plus you get a score that crawls up to ‘pro’ the better you do. And then you can get a ball with little sparkles printed on it, and that makes me feel good. Heh.

I also picked up Wario Ware, which is not only fun, but *weird fun*. Rayman is entertaining, but the ending sucks and it has some glitches, evidently. Zelda is, well, Zelda, and Metal Slug is a collection of a bunch of arcade games I really like. When you consider how many simulated quarters I’ve used on that game already, it’s a savings.

I’ve finished browsing through the Japan Guidebook we’ll be using to make our way across the country, and so now I have a feel for where I want to go and how many days I want to spend everywhere. Next, really, is to just set the dates in stone so I can make some hostel/hotel/onsen (hot springs)/traditional Inn reservations. Gotta pick up a JR pass, too. We’ll use that to travel all over the land. Generally, it looks like we’re going to do the traditional ‘travel south’ thing. We fly into and out of Tokyo, though, so If I’m really clever, we’ll do half of Tokyo at the beginning, hit every other city on the way down, then every other city on the way up, and then the other half of Tokyo. Don’t know if I’m that good at planning, though. Ma ha.

Work is work. I’m writing simulations and doing useful stuff.

I’m thinking about getting back into writing my book. Still a good couple of months of work to go on it before I can even think about getting it micro-published, but it’s a fun distraction.

And…I have nothing else new to report. Bon Temps, whatever that means.

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