
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

So, lessee…

Class is done! One of them at least. But it’s DONE! Not ‘almost done’ or ‘worst part over’. All effort for adaptive signal processing has ceased. Complete stall. Aaaah, it’s nice. The worst part about it, though, is that I haven’t shown the results of my study to my expert, yet. I actually have some ideas about improving the algorithm. If they work, I could do a complete 180, from ‘algorithm not work’ to ‘totally stomped it.’ But I’m too lazy to try it out. Tragic!

I finished my project for my other class, which is good, and so now I just have the final, which is a week away. I have a couple of classes to watch, but I just plan to do some studying, head in, and stomp that puppy.

Volleyball is so much fun! I went again last Friday, which was enormously cool times, especially because I got to practice, and even hit, an overhand serve a few times! Bazam! That’s talent! It even seemed to work more often then that underhand mess they teach you back in grade school. He he.

In the ‘news from other people’ department:

T and J have set their wedding date. Labor day weekend! (My birthday). And where? In Vegas! Weehaw! Personally, I’m all for this. I think I may just have to attend. Good birthday celebration, too.

Talked to Aunt J this weekend, too, which was nice ‘cause she’s just a great person. I’m hoping, sometime this summer, to meet up with my cousins up in Vegas because they, on selected weekends, have been known to head up to a lake that exists up there with a motorboat and various ‘tow human beings behind us’ implements. Should be a good time. Course, if I keep up on the situps, I may be all six-packy, too.

Let’s talk about the 6-pack, just cause I don’t want any misperceptions here. I’m not exercising because I want to look good. That’d just be silly, and it won’t last. I exercise because I want to be good at TKD. That’s why I run, and why I train, and why I throw kicks while I’m waiting for the elevator at work. Getting all crazy-muscly-ripped is a neat idea, but don’t be worrying that I’m going to go all anorexic on ya, because that would be…that’s right…bad for TKD. It’s just a neat goal is all, and let’s not pretend that it’s not really cool. (Ladies, I’m talking to you. Except for ladies that are married or my sisters or otherwise related to me…not talking to you.)


Picked up a new game, Jade Empire, this weekend, too. It’s from Bioware, the same people that brought you Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 and Star Wars: Knights of the Old republic. My review: Gets a 10 for storyline and characterization and dramatic interest and all those other things that Bioware does so well, but only about a 7.5 for combat. It’s fun, and neat to play around with, but ultimately a little oversimple.

Also, I’m thinking about picking up Guild Wars. It’s been well-regarded by the gaming community at large, so far, and I’ve been asked by people at work, too, so I’d have some people to play with. Good idea, that.

This Friday…KARAOKE! Ooooh, how I have missed you, my dear. ‘B’, workmate and fellow volleyballer, is having a birthday party, and we’re going out to Karaoke to celebrate! I’m *very* excited by this prospect. I love singing in public. Yes, yes, I know, very, very silly of me, but I didn’t think I’d like it either, when my roommate D first dragged me off, but I had *so much fun* I couldn’t even stand it. I really like Karaoke. Don’t just sell it off. Give it a try. The entire population of Japan can’t be wrong.

Gonna get myself ready for TKD. Peace!

congrats for finishing!!!
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