
Sunday, February 20, 2005

--Things I didn’t get done this weekend:
Mathematical Pattern recognition homework
My Taxes
Going to Movie night at Austin’s House

--Reasons I didn’t get them done
I was sick.

--Things I got done despite being sick
Adaptive processing homework
Playing a lot of video games
Contacting some people about a project for Adaptive Processing Class
Visiting professor for office hours
Lots of reading
Watching all lectures

Course, I had to take painkillers to get anything done. I don’t like taking painkillers, much, just because back in high school I heard phrases like this several times: “Yeah, I usually have to take 4 or 6 Extra-Strength Tylenol for it to really do anything for me.” Crikey! I really don’t want to get my body used to taking painkillers for every little thing, and I *definitely* don’t want to have to take that many to get any relief. I’d rather tough it out. Be a man! Hoo-rah!

I wasn’t sure I was sick, actually, for the early part of the weekend, because I went to my first Advanced class in TKD. It was pretty fantastic. Lots of energy, lots of exercise, lots of good people, and lots and lots of kicking and doing pushups. Good times. I thought, when I woke up Friday morning, that I was just sore from all the exercise. Turns out I was sore from the Viruses, but it took me until later that evening to figure it out. Which means I had to bail on Austin’s movie night again. Which I hate, because movie nights are cool, and his fiancé is an excellent cook. Yum. But I figure, the less infectious, the better, so I bailed like the punk that I am. Blagh.

I’m starting to feel better now, but that might just be the painkillers.

* * * *

School in 3rd grade versus your Masters degree

-In third grade, you could fit 20 math problems on a page.
-In your masters degree, one question can take 10 pages

-In third grade, your parents could help you with your homework
-In your masters degree, your parents don’t understand what you’re talking about, and your *teacher* can’t always help you with your homework

-In third grade, you have to get your homework done before dinner
-In your masters degree, you usually eat dinner while you’re working on homework

-In third grade, cheating is looked down upon
-In your masters degree, cheating gets you kicked out of the school

-In third grade, your parents are on your case to get good grades
-In your masters degree, no one is on your case. In fact, you could probably bluff your way through your masters degree to friends and family. It’s not like they’d actually know the difference.

-In third grade, you get some juice for a break between subjects
-In your masters degree, it’s usually hard liquor.

-In third grade, you bemoan the fact that you will have to go to school for 9 more years, and then college after that! That’s, like, forever!
-In your masters degree, you probably have your graduation marked on your calendar, and when you’re done, you’re actually, finally done. Which feels really weird.

-In third grade, your textbooks are large, heavy, and unwieldy. You give them back at the end of the year.
-In your masters degree, your textbooks are large, heavy, unwieldy, and expensive. You keep them forever.

-In third grade, you draw little funny squiggly symbols all over the margins of your homework.
-In your masters degree, the funny squiggly symbols all over the paper *is* your homework.

-In third grade, you have recess every few hours.
-In your PHD, you stay up for 50 hours straight working on your graduate thesis. (Which is why I’m thinking no on the PHD).

-Everyone finishes third grade.
-Most people don’t even start their masters degree.

-In third grade, the math is *impossible*, there’s no way you’ll ever understand it, and you end up complaining about how much work school is.
-In your masters degree, the math is *impossible*, there’s no way you’ll ever understand it, and you end up complaining about how much work school is.

I third grade you hate girls. In masters school you hate life.
I fwded your thoughts on to my grad student friend. I think we can all empathize... or something. I got a 20 out of 20 on my last biochem quiz, the only mistakes I made were in spelling dissipate-- which he corrected in red pen everytime I used the word. (re:a lot) Will it ever be good enough?! Exams are done. Now the final push to finals week.
U R RockStar.
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