
Monday, November 15, 2004

Things I did this weekend, in order from least fun to most fun.

Lo) Did my homework and got some studying in. Project is coming along, too. We have a rough draft of the paper in for 'review' by the TA, so he'll either tell us that it's wicked-funky fresh or just 'wicked-funky'. Heh. And I'm coming up on the end of my homework lists for my classes, too. Winding down.

Med-lo) Car. I haven't gotten it fixed yet, but I'm scheduled to bring it in on friday. The check engine light came on. I checked the manual, it means 'get it checked out', but not 'holy crap your car is about to explode don't use it anymore!' So I have tire, service, and check engine light all in one. Not a small bill, but I did find a 15% off entire service charge coupon online. Heh.

Med) Went to the residence of Akin and Mark (Workmates) for a potluck. I made chicken quesadillas. There was chicken and brownies and b33r and a huge TV. We watched 'VH1 Classic' and made fun of the 80's. Lavtrell also oogled Beyonce Knowells and the rest of destiny's child durning the 10 or 20 times that their video game on. They also demonstrated how people dance in 'Hotlanta' (atlanta). It looked silly. But it gave me an idea. From now on I'm going to refer to 'Alaska' as 'Hotlaska'. Which is extra-funny becuase it's not hot. At all. Even a little. Heh.

High) I hung out with Rebekah. A lot.

She came over on friday to my place, and went over to hers on sunday. Saturday was a study night, mostly, and we watched 'The Princess Bride'. Sunday was a hangout day. We went out to an 'American-sushi' restaurant. American sushi is food that is certainly inspired by the original concept of japanese sushi, but that bears only the most passing resembelance. I'm not going to pretend that I'm so well cultured that I think that this is a *sham*, because I don't. You put Avacado or Cream cheese in a roll, and I'm hooked. Yay for K-rab! Tasty stuff.

We also did some studying in the park. Which is lame because it's studying, but good because it's a park. *And* we read tarot cards. She showed me her deck, very different than mine, but very intriguing at the same time. We read cards differently. Some intringuing, or at least interesting, stuff came up. I'll write about my opinions on the subject of tarot cards some other time.

And, um, we like each other. So Yay! Once again I reserve the words 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend' for more committed, stable relationships, but I think this definitely qualifies as dating. I'll bring my camera along next time and take some photos so y'all can establish a mental image. Who knows, I might actually break the 'one-month relationship barrier'. That'd be a mark.

I could expound about the many things I've learned about her (she likes to talk, I like to listen), but here are a few of the more important parts.

--Working on her Bachelors Degree (Nearly Done) in literary studies, I believe. (All that liberal arts stuff starts to blur together for me.) Wants masters in journalism.
--And works full time and a company that makes models (like a model of a plane, for a corporate entity like 'Boeing'.)
--Will be self-publishing an anothology of poetry soon (a run of perhaps only 50 books).
--Is my Age (24).
--Thinks I'm neat.

That's enough for a teaser.

What else...

My leg is doing much better from last week.
I shaved another 15 seconds off my 3 mile time (36:45).
My head is still shaved, too.
Video games continue to be a delightfull diversion.
I haven't spent enough time writing or playing the drums.
I've got to go get ready for TKD now.
So I'll sign off.
Wait, where did you meet Rebekah again? What this the girl whose number you got at the party?
Also-- way kudos on the Princess Bride! What a date movie! Everybody makes sappy eyes after watching that movie-- even tough cookies like you, I bet.
Oh, btw. This time next week, I'll be packing (I kid, I'd never be that prepared). But we are going to Vegas in 1 week! Does that rock or what!!?
Well, must survive the onslaught of exams first.
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