
Saturday, November 06, 2004

Be proud of me! I can officially say that I *ran* three miles today. Not ‘ran some and walked some’ or ‘walked some and crawled some’, but actually ran. Well, more like a jog, but that’s running! I didn’t stop, I didn’t pause, I didn’t halt once. Well, there was a brief pause at the beginning to give my knees a quick roll-stretch. But other than that, not a single slowing. And In doing so I knocked 3 minutes off my 3 mile time. That a crazy-big lot. My current personal best is 37 minutes. Weehaw.

Pacing is tricky. I seem to be getting better every week at it, but I’m getting better in shape, too. I think I have a sense of how fast I can run, but as I get better, I’ll need to crank it up or else I’ll just be too slow and my time will suffer. Too fast, though, and I risk burning myself out. Trial, error, and experimentation, I guess, unless there are any actual runners out there who care to give any clever advice.

I thought this weekend was going to be horrible. It turns out it might be just exactly the opposite.

I went to bible study on Thursday. Those of you that keep tabs on my schedule (stalkers) know that I usually watch my two classes on Thursday. I actually managed to go to a ‘young adult’ bible study Thursday and still get a class watched. I had to watch the other one on Friday, though, and I thought pushing the homework along the weekend would just be a royal pain. Not to mention that I had to work on my project, too, with Cherise, on Saturday.

Well, the stars must have aligned, or something, because everything came up just fine. Awrasa (co-worker) has a midterm coming up Tuesday and needs to study, and since I’ve been *on her case* constantly, making sure she’s keeping up on her effort, she invited me out to study with her yesterday (Friday). Fine by me, made me get my estimation theory homework done (as much of it as can/am willing to do). That and I *do* so love being helpful. So that potato is in the pot.

And I met with Cherise today, (Saturday) to work on our dreaded estimation theory project. And we finished it. What? Yeah. It’s done. Took about an hour and a half. It went so fast as to almost be surreal. And since I did most of the Matlab coding, she’s going to write up a sketchy rough draft and we’ll edit it next week. The bloody thing isn’t due for nearly a month and the computation work is already done. Can I get a ‘booyah?’ [You: Booyah!] Aaaaawright.

Aaaand, it looks like I don’t even have any DSP homework this weekend. So I’m…uh…done. Yeah. Stars aligned, I guess. Very nice.

So here’s the to-do list.

Call Rebeccah
Fix Tire.

When I went up to Las Vegas for Lacy’s wedding, mom made some offhanded comment about tire pressure. I never check my tires, but she was oddly prophetic, because one of them was a little flat. Well I’ve been keeping an eye one it, and I’m certain that it’s got a slow leak. I’ve been refilling the thing about once a week. Eep! Tire treads look deep enough, so I’m going to wheel the ol’ betsy into a tire shop and get it looked at. I *have* to get it done before thankgiving, because there’s no way I’m wheeling up to LV with sketchy tires. I’ve got time, though.

And calling Rebeccah, cause, well, she likes talking to me.

And Dayv called me! Yay omg yay! I [heart] Dayv!

Voting. Yes, I voted. Voted for Kerry, and he won CA. I voted mostly democratic, except for a few people with listed occupations as ‘engineer’ that were independent. I voted for them just to buck the curve. And there were various state statues I voted on too. Nothing of interest. But I voted. It was pretty neat.

Right, you slugs, 20 laps around the school!

i tried running too... but it never works. Can't pace myself at all. That's incredible noel! - kevo
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