
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Quoth Strong Bad: ‘Good…Gravy.’ It’s been entirely too long since I posted here. Being busy, I suppose. And even now I have to keep the posts brief, so much stuff to do.

Okay, got the computer in and working and it’s really cool and really fast and Doom 3 looks ridiculously nice on it. Yay for me.

Went to Vegas to see a cousin get married. Marriage was nice, seeing family was nice, but pretty much everything else about the weekend was lame. No need to go into details, just not a great weekend.

And, no rest for the wicked, I’m back in it again. A little under a week before my two midterms, on the same day. (My finals are going to be on the same day too.) I think I’ll be ready, but I’m a little unsure of what to expect for the estimation theory class. It’s a hard class, but the kind of things we’re studying really can’t be done by hand. So it’ll probably be some clever manipulation of some sort. But I’ve started studying already, so I’m confident.

Took a little web-based riddle test that told me I’m a genius. That felt good.

Got frustrated at my drums on Monday. I wanted to beat out some rhythms with Chevelle, but I’m just not good enough yet. I think I’m going to pound on the fundamentals for a while, still.

Got a $100 certificate to Best Buy from work for doing my R6Sigma project. I’m going to use it to buy Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Half Life 2 when they come out. Total moneys spent on Video games since I decided to save up the money, $0. Score.

Still hate my masters classes, nothing new there.

Project at work got its funding slashed this week, which means I’m off it. This seems to be a big deal to everyone but me. I don’t see the difference. They keep paying me either way, and I’ll just transition from this project to some other, no doubt, that will have me working on things I’ve never even heard of before. Just like all the rest. Shock of shocks.

I want to do some Karaoke soon. I just don’t have time to plan an outing.

Halloween’s coming up soon, too. I have a costume idea, but I’m just not sure I’ll have the time to work on it. (grr.)

I’m probably too busy to think about sustaining a girlfriend-caliber relationship, I suspect. Doesn’t mean I’m not working on it anyway. I’ve found some things to think about and improve. I like improving myself.

Okay, probably about 3 blogs worth of stuff all compacted into one. I’ll try and keep this puppy updated more often, but with my skull#&%*ing classes the way they are, I’d lay odds against.



Good Luck on with your midterms. You remember when Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth? Well, after that very quiet applause, he said "and students will finally get to enjoy the whole weekend. Even Sunday afternoons." What a radical.
"Still hate my masters classes, nothing new there." I feel you. I hope there is a special place for professors who curve down.
-- Sandlin
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