
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The word of the day is 'Draconian’.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I know sometimes people use that ‘word of the day’ expression to indicate a theme or idea that has been running through the day. Don’t get that impression. Nothing particularly draconian has happened today. I just do a ‘word of the day’ for fun.

It started back before I was doing the GRE’s. I figured it would be a good way to expand my vocabulary. Not that I expected it to greatly sway my GRE scores or anything, and not that the English score is particularly important for getting into the engineering graduate class at USC, but word-of-the day lists are pretty fun. I just like words; especially words that are fun to say.

I get my word lists from a few places. Here’s a great one: World Wide Words. Check out the ‘Weird word index’ for some great ones. Or just navigate the site. It’s chock-full of random word trivia. One guy wrote the whole site, too. Amazing. Past words-of-the day have included Lycanthropy, Obsequious, and Honorificabilitudinitatibus. Pretty cool eh?

Well, I think it's cool.

In other news, the weekend went quite well, though I spent entirely too much effort, in my opinion, on homework. I ended up spending much of Saturday and a bit of Sunday morning on it, and this is the homework that I accomplished half of last week.

Well, the good news is that the class is nearly over. August 9th is the final. I’m excited to be done with the class as much as anything. Plus I have a whole three days (unenthusiastic ‘ye-haw’) to study for the midterm. Woot.

Check it out . That’s the electronic drum kit that I want to buy. Not cheap, really, but they get much more expensive than that. It seems well-regarded as an entry-level thing. I could see spending more on a better system later, but only if it becomes a *serious* hobby. Drumming, that is. Music is a serious hobby. So is TKD. I have a lot of other miscellaneous hobbies (movies, writing, etc…) but nothing that warrants investments of time and energy that I put into TKD or music. And music to a lesser extent, but that’s only been of late. I’m really hoping that having a studio will get me past that ‘can’t create what I want’ hump. We’ll see, we’ll see.

It’s finally hit! Doom 3 is out. And guess what? My computer is too slow to play it. That’s right. I was teetering on the edge with City of Heroes, but managed to upgrade myself to keep my teeth-skin firmly gripping the edge of the technology cliff. But now, all has been lost. I have lost my grip. I am plummeting down an endless pit toward a land where technology goes to die.

But fear not, friends. With the acquisition of studio-stuff comes, probably, a new computer! W00t! Just take any computer that’s good at audio stuff, slap in a good video card, and *bam*, you are the proud owner of an audio/gaming rig. Pretty slick. I’ll probably get it from Dell; or, barring that, AlienWare, makers of some of the sweetest high-end computers available.

Ugh, that was the most boring blog entry in the world. I’ll try and make the next one more interesting.



I thought Roland was the coolest form of digital drumming? Can you upgrade/upload software changes to the 'box' or is it all in firmware? And arn't your speakers and monitor still OK or are you seduced by flat panel real estate savings?

Remember to save for your old age. I have to say that even if I don't really mean it. Dear old dad, still saving away.....
omgosh doom3 is so scary =( jeff just played the beginning part and i had to hide under a blanket. =/

hope all is going well!


Ha ha you have to join all of us loosers in old computer hell!!!!!!! It's not that bad, ok maybe it is and trying to make myself feel better.....
Don't get a dell! THEY SUCK!!! my cousin just bought a bunch for his family, and has had nothing but problems!
Try Totally Awesome computers based here in Utah the guy who owns it is weird but the computers are really good!!! and relativly inexpensive
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