Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Behold...I say unto thee—behold!
Myes! It has arrived! I have taken the plunge. I am now the rather proud owner of a set of electronic drums. I spent much of yesterday checking out the cool options. They have the standard array of drum sounds, and of course the similarly standard array of funky sounds that are cool to have on a set of electronic drums. Like your BEEE-yooooowww. And your Baweeba-WEEP! And your bricka-bricka. And your twoooooo…ooooWWW! It’s pretty great.
I’m missing a single piece, at this exact moment; the kick beater. I have one ordered, and according to UPS tracking, it will be at my house at approximately 1:00 today. So being, as it is, my week off from classes, and having, as I do, a new set of electronic drums, I’m going to stop work at 1:00 today, go home, get my kick beater, and spend the rest of the weekend in a drug-trip like haze of drumming, video games, and the occasional ‘social trip’.
I do have some things planned for this weekend. One is Mylinh’s party. Happy birthday Mylinh! We’re going out to get some Sushi and then hit Highlands, a club. Should be some post-modern-esque rockin’. Also, Derek and I are going to meet up with a guy we met at Raytheon who trains at Dan Innosanto’s Martial arts academy. Jeet Kun Do. That means he does Brazilian ground-fighting, and that means he could whup the tar out of either Derek or me without breaking a sweat. Probably both of us at the same time, too. Also, I’m going to teach Sakina how to swim. You know, for the Hawaii trip. You’ve got to learn how to swim. Or at least float. Mary was supposed to teach, but she is…well…a flake.
But yeah, I shore am looking forward to my extra-long weekend. And then, of course, to the *sheer joy* that is my masters classes. Well, hopefully it will be bearable enough. Hoping, at least. At least I don’t have to work any more Fridays. Yay fellowship!
Okay, gonna beat up my MATlab code. Who-PAH! I’m pretty sure my drum can make *that* sound, too.

Myes! It has arrived! I have taken the plunge. I am now the rather proud owner of a set of electronic drums. I spent much of yesterday checking out the cool options. They have the standard array of drum sounds, and of course the similarly standard array of funky sounds that are cool to have on a set of electronic drums. Like your BEEE-yooooowww. And your Baweeba-WEEP! And your bricka-bricka. And your twoooooo…ooooWWW! It’s pretty great.
I’m missing a single piece, at this exact moment; the kick beater. I have one ordered, and according to UPS tracking, it will be at my house at approximately 1:00 today. So being, as it is, my week off from classes, and having, as I do, a new set of electronic drums, I’m going to stop work at 1:00 today, go home, get my kick beater, and spend the rest of the weekend in a drug-trip like haze of drumming, video games, and the occasional ‘social trip’.
I do have some things planned for this weekend. One is Mylinh’s party. Happy birthday Mylinh! We’re going out to get some Sushi and then hit Highlands, a club. Should be some post-modern-esque rockin’. Also, Derek and I are going to meet up with a guy we met at Raytheon who trains at Dan Innosanto’s Martial arts academy. Jeet Kun Do. That means he does Brazilian ground-fighting, and that means he could whup the tar out of either Derek or me without breaking a sweat. Probably both of us at the same time, too. Also, I’m going to teach Sakina how to swim. You know, for the Hawaii trip. You’ve got to learn how to swim. Or at least float. Mary was supposed to teach, but she is…well…a flake.
But yeah, I shore am looking forward to my extra-long weekend. And then, of course, to the *sheer joy* that is my masters classes. Well, hopefully it will be bearable enough. Hoping, at least. At least I don’t have to work any more Fridays. Yay fellowship!
Okay, gonna beat up my MATlab code. Who-PAH! I’m pretty sure my drum can make *that* sound, too.
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