
Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Things continue to happen, I catalog them here.

My class is nearing it's last gasp. I'm watching the final review class as we speak...or as I write...or type...man, the english language really breaks down in journal format. The final is on Tuesday of next week. May 11. Study plan involves making the cheat sheet...and that's pretty much it. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on this stuff, should be all I'll need.

Roomies! Here's the update. My lease expires in a measly couple-o-days, 31 to be exact. And Park West apartments requires at least 30 days notice if you plan to move. So today, right under the wire, really, Derek and I announced that we are going to be roomate-ing. Which is good stuff, as it turns out. All we had to do was pay a fee to have Derek move apartments (mine was waived, cause my lease was done) and on June 2nd, Derek and I can move into our new place. W00T!

And here's the extra-special news. My new lease was going to be 1200 a month. Lots. Up from 1100 previously. Derek and I were expecting to get a room at ~1800 bucks, so 900 each, a savings of about 300 a month. 300 a month! With caps lock on, that's nearly #)) a month! So the saving stood to be pretty awesome. But they went above and beyond awesome, in fact. It looks like Our rent is going to be 1670! Which is a savings of...let me do the math...A LOT! So most of that savings will go back into paying off my parents, RE: Student loans. Financial solidity, here I come!

Speaking of Derek and Me, would you like to see our movie? BAM! That's chapter 0 right there. A pilot/introductory episode. Most of the shooting has been done on chapter 1, editing will take a while. And chapter 2 has not been written or anything, yet. So that may take a while. But like I said. BAM! Check it out!

You'll note the new name. No longer are we 'Vision Films', cause too many people took that one. We are now Zeroth Power Films. Nerd jokes ahoy!

Zeroth power films: Our output is normalized.
Zeroth power films: We create unity.
Zeroth power films: Giving a real output from a complex input.
Zeroth power films: Lying on the unit circle since 2002.

Only, repeat, *only* engineers and mathematicians should get the previous jokes. They are cock-full of nerd. For the rest of you, raising any number to the power of 0 gives 1. (Including 0^0, as it turns out.) The rest, you're going to have to get an advanced technical degree to understand, and for just these jokes, it's not really worth it.

So Mary and I are still floating along pretty calmly. No major developments to report, other than the fact that she rested her head on my shoulder for the first time today, and I nearly *melted*. Aaah. Such a wuss. :) I haven't been able to see her as much as I might like, recently, she's actually teaching a Junior College class (cause the professor bailed) for the last several weeks of the quarter, and tutoring someone, and *still* being queen of the croatian cultural center. That and there's been a series of Croatian concerts over the past several weekends, and friends coming in. Honestly, I'm surprized she even makes it into work every day. And yes, I would normally go to the Concerts with her, but she and I differ on what makes good Croatian music. To her, the fact that it is Croatian is a point for, and for me, it's a point against. Now I like good music from any country, but it really has to be special for me to jump a language barrier to it. Example. Nicole. I. Love. These. Guys. As soon as someone releases one of their albums stateside, I'm *all over it*. You can download some songs from their site, too. They're crazy-rocking, so much so that I'm in love with their music and I *don't even know what they're saying.* That's good music. Mary's played some croatian music for me, and on occasion it's been pretty rocking, but the majority of the time, not so much. We both agree that Electronic music is sweetness on a stick, though, ...Where was I? Oh, yes, not seeing her much. Unfortunate, but probably not permanent. Just floating along, things seem to go best when I don't try and fix anything.

Got a couple new Game Boy Advance Games. Looking forward to having them come along. Next on my list is a game called Disgaea. You have to buy it used, cause it's not printed anymore. And this is one of those games whose popularity outstripped it's publishing run. It's going to get more expensive before it gets less. Same thing happened with another game I own. Rez. I bought it at $35, it currently e-bays for around $70. Video games are an investment!

Mothers day, I'm doomed. I'm lucky enough to not have to worry about calling, cause I do that *every* sunday. But I long ago ran out of things to simply *buy* a mom for christmas, birthdays, etc. I'm no good with gifts, and I don't like flowers. Seems like a cop-out, I'm far more creative than just 'flowers'. I have an idea, but if it doesn't work out, I'm pretty much out of luck. Plus, I have *two* mothers in the same location this year, a grandma too! I can't handle this kind of pressure.

Training update, new personal best: 1.5 miles at 6.3 miles per hour. This is up from 1.25 miles at 6.2 miles per hour. Eventual goal is 3 miles at 7.5 It's a ways to go, but that's a black belt test, there. So I have many many months to work on that.

Nothing more to write. The cool embrace of the bed and a fan awaits. Ta ta!

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