
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Ho, Hum,

Yesterday was pretty good. I had a final in my Linear Algebra class that went pretty well. Not a whole lot of preparation involved, since I understood most of the stuff. I just went in, answered the questions, and got out. I'm pretty sure I may have been a touch of on one or two, but only in the small, less-important ones. I checked the important ones pretty thoroughly, and they came out just fine. So I'm expecting good things from that class. Next class starts in a week.

I drove back from the final (yay for carpool lanes!) and went out to Dinner with Tabitha. We hit one of our favorite burger joints and tried the stuff with Gardenburger instead of meat-burger. It was all right, but not as *absurdly* delicious as the real thing. I think I need to cut back on gardenburgers, I may be getting tired of them.

But when I got home, I napped instead of running. Just entirely too tired. I'm a little disappointed, cause I'm trying to establish a pattern here, but I'm sure I'll get back on it. Probably go running tomorrow after happy our at McCormick and Shmicks. (Hint, don't order the oyster shooters. *Nasty*)

And now, in the spirit of capturing great thoughts, I present an essay on the nature of the martial arts. Martial artists, pay attention (And I expect a full double-spaced, typed, 3 page analysis essay from you by the beginning of class on Monday, Kevin. :)

I've always felt that arguments about 'whose martial art is better' to be, while sometimes enlightening, ultimately pointless. Especially when it comes to a self-defense standpoint. I am personally of the opinion that trying to determine which martial art would beat which in a fair fight to be a little silly, and deciding which is best for self defense is really rather dumb. Why, you ask? Here’s why.

The argument usually head fairly quickly into the realm of: “If we were on the Street, Kae Dun Hyuk would wail on Mok Jun Fist in a heartbeat.” “No way!” The problem with this argument is that it assumes two competent practitioners of the art. And these two theoretical people should never be fighting. I never plan to defend myself ‘on the street’ against someone with a Black Belt in anything, because I should never be attacked by someone with that degree of training. If there’s a Black Belt out there *starting fights*, then someone didn’t do their job. And if black belts aren’t fighting each other out there, what’s the point of worrying about their respective arts, hmm?

And when it comes to self-defense, I say do what you enjoy. I don’t care if it’s the least efficient, most gimpy martial art in existence. You do any martial art for 10 years and you’ll be doing just fine, because you’ll know what to do, you’ll have confidence and, if all else fails; you’ll be in good enough shape to run away. So stop arguing about good and bad martial arts, it’s a silly argument to begin with.

End lecture.

Other fake martial art names:
Dun Wei Do
Yak Jun Quip
Kimchee Do
Croatian Arm Grappling
Ip-Zam-Hill Karate
Syeng Buk.
Whip Thwam (Throwing art, obviously)

Okay, on to other things, Ta!


Comments. {Keaneau Reeves} Whoa. {/Keaneau Reeves}
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