Monday, June 12, 2006
Yes, yes, it's been quite a while. No excuses, really, I just have been doing things other than writing for a while. Here's some highlights:
While my book isn't (even close to) published yet, I have read through a library book I picked up on how to get your book published, so I figure I might as well put together a manuscript and just give it a try. Worst thing that could happen is that it could get not published, which is exactly the same thing that would happen if I don't try and publish it. So just to be on the safe side, I'm not going to upload the rest of the book anywhere public on the internet. If you, personally, would like to read it, just e-mail me and I'll send you a copy for perusal. And, of course, if you are close enough to me to be requesting the story, you already have my e-mail address.
J(5) and I went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago. Pretty good fun all around. It was a nice, sunny day, terribly warm, and we all got to get dressed up and go out. 'Course, the reception took place 7 hours after the ceremony ended, so we brought a change of clothes and watched X3 during the interim. The reception was pretty good, save that T&D (bride and groom) are both asian, and so we had a lot of asian dishes, which are usually either fish, or have things like heads and bony-bits still attatched. Neither represents a category J(5) is particularly interested in. But then we got to the 'fried rice' course, and all was well. Nice cake, too. J(5) cought the boquet, too. This means one of two things:
1) I have to mary her, and *soon*.
2) She was the tallest girl at an asian wedding and an avid player of water polo.
In general, things with J(5) are going great. Just great. I'm going off to florida to meet her family over the July 4th weekend, and she's coming up to S&M's wedding to meet all of mine. We still spend tons of time together, and all of it is enjoyable.
Speaking of pictures, who wants to see some of myself and my girl, eh?
Me, J(5) and would you *check out that eyebrow*. Man, what an ARCH!
Here's J(5) and me hiking this weekend. We went up with Pythons, 'The El Salvadorian', (new name!), the chef, and the Chef's new'.
Group Photo! From Left-to-right: J(5), Me, Pythons, The El Salvadorian, Pate' and The Chef. If this picture looks familar, that's because you've been paying attention! This is actually the same hike we did way back when J(5) and I first started dating, and you can (probably) still find the picture of all of us doing it if you look back in the archives. This time, though, we did the loop 'backwards' and we took a detour to see SKULL ROCK. The picture up above is actually J(5) and I sitting on what I called 'HIPBONE ROCK'. SKULL ROCK is actually pretty aptly named. It really does look like a skull. We ended up climbing up another, spikier rock to the right that looked more like a hipbone. Hence, HIPBONE rock. I kept an eye out for anything that might be considered 'the mystery of SKULL ROCK,' but nothing popped up.
This is J(5) and me cuddling at the BBQ we had over the memorial day weekend. We cuddle a lot, so I like this picture. Anyway, we all got together, got some hamburgurs and chips, hung out, and ate a lot of food. I made my semi-famous rib recepie. Came out even better this time, I think. Cooking is pretty easy, just takes some practice and some work. Oh, and shout-out to my sister for the 'how to cook everything' book. It rocks.
Upcoming events:
--Thursday: J(5) and I go see Le Miserables. I've seen the poster a billion and a half times over the course of my life, but I have no idea what it's about, so don't spoil it for me.
--Later this month: A couple of training classes, technical writing and 'Leading for value' (because I can!)
--July 4th Weekend: Visit Florida
--Weekend after that: Nine Inch Nails Concert. My first live concert! Should be fun.
--Sometime during the summer: Some more flights for work
Oh, and I don't know how widespread this sort of thing is with you people, but you should know that Raytheon had a bunch of layoffs this past weekend. Neither myself, J(5) or, as near as we can tell, anyone we know was effected. They are, however, getting 2 months here while they can search for a job, outplacement services, and even a special charge number, evidently, that you're allowed to use if you're too distraught to work. All in all, that's not bad. And for the record, I have no fear at all of layoffs. I'm on two different projects, and either of them would be delighted to bring me up to full time if the other goes under. So yeah, no worries.
That's all the big news from down south. Y'all try not to be strangers, now, and we'll see y'all soon enough. Howdy.
While my book isn't (even close to) published yet, I have read through a library book I picked up on how to get your book published, so I figure I might as well put together a manuscript and just give it a try. Worst thing that could happen is that it could get not published, which is exactly the same thing that would happen if I don't try and publish it. So just to be on the safe side, I'm not going to upload the rest of the book anywhere public on the internet. If you, personally, would like to read it, just e-mail me and I'll send you a copy for perusal. And, of course, if you are close enough to me to be requesting the story, you already have my e-mail address.
J(5) and I went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago. Pretty good fun all around. It was a nice, sunny day, terribly warm, and we all got to get dressed up and go out. 'Course, the reception took place 7 hours after the ceremony ended, so we brought a change of clothes and watched X3 during the interim. The reception was pretty good, save that T&D (bride and groom) are both asian, and so we had a lot of asian dishes, which are usually either fish, or have things like heads and bony-bits still attatched. Neither represents a category J(5) is particularly interested in. But then we got to the 'fried rice' course, and all was well. Nice cake, too. J(5) cought the boquet, too. This means one of two things:
1) I have to mary her, and *soon*.
2) She was the tallest girl at an asian wedding and an avid player of water polo.
In general, things with J(5) are going great. Just great. I'm going off to florida to meet her family over the July 4th weekend, and she's coming up to S&M's wedding to meet all of mine. We still spend tons of time together, and all of it is enjoyable.
Speaking of pictures, who wants to see some of myself and my girl, eh?

Upcoming events:
--Thursday: J(5) and I go see Le Miserables. I've seen the poster a billion and a half times over the course of my life, but I have no idea what it's about, so don't spoil it for me.
--Later this month: A couple of training classes, technical writing and 'Leading for value' (because I can!)
--July 4th Weekend: Visit Florida
--Weekend after that: Nine Inch Nails Concert. My first live concert! Should be fun.
--Sometime during the summer: Some more flights for work
Oh, and I don't know how widespread this sort of thing is with you people, but you should know that Raytheon had a bunch of layoffs this past weekend. Neither myself, J(5) or, as near as we can tell, anyone we know was effected. They are, however, getting 2 months here while they can search for a job, outplacement services, and even a special charge number, evidently, that you're allowed to use if you're too distraught to work. All in all, that's not bad. And for the record, I have no fear at all of layoffs. I'm on two different projects, and either of them would be delighted to bring me up to full time if the other goes under. So yeah, no worries.
That's all the big news from down south. Y'all try not to be strangers, now, and we'll see y'all soon enough. Howdy.