Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Hi everyone!
Some stuff has happened that y’all might want to know about, and so I present the information here, in a convenient and, hopefully, entertaining package. For the edification of all, and for a great opportunity for me to utilize all those sesquipedalian words I absorb so ravenously.
Let’s get started!
- I’ve decided to forgo the construction of my audio studio until after I finish ‘The New World’, my novel in progress. Of course, I really only plan to get through the first draft with it, which is pretty much all I ever do with my writing. I do it for fun, and editing, while interesting and often enlightening, isn’t really ‘fun’.
So this is good news for you that like to read stuff (like me!) because I’ve been working on my writing more…which is to say ‘at all’, really. But I did finish chapter 11, and I’m thinking a couple or three more chapters and the story will be done. How’s that for progress.
- Sick. Well not anymore, but I was. I went to bed on Sunday with a weird headache which had developed into mild ache by Monday morning. No sore throat, though, so I figured it couldn’t be a cold and I went into work anyway. Well by about 10:00 it had progressed to full-on restless ache and I decided I needed to head home. I’d been assigned something, however, that the guy wanted done by Tuesday. I finished it up by lunchtime and then went home. The rest of the day consisted of sleeping and lounging about and more sleeping, and by the time I woke up Tuesday (at around 11, granted) I felt right as rain. So I took a day off to be sick, but it was really more of a couple of half-days.
-Went to a Greek Restaurant called Papadakis Taverno, run by a couple of greek brothers who were also quite good football players when they played at USC. The food was great, and the floor-show was awesome, they came out, did some greek dancing, (these are the owners, mind you) and then brought out a belly dancer and a tap dancer for our enjoyment. It was all quite entertaining. Also great food, and the owners greeted us on the way in and the way out, very cool.
- J(5) leaves for a month in…about a week. I’ll miss her a bunch, but I don’t plan to totally fall apart or anything. At least, ‘totally fall apart’ isn’t on the schedule. I’ll probably end up just doing more writing, drumming, music prep, and reading. It will also make for a good period of ‘self-examination’, just to see how everything goes and how I feel about it. And either way, I’ll bet J(5) is going to have a ton of fun down there. Ultimate adventure!
- Got my raise for getting my masters degree. Nothing epic, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise. Of course, like I told one of my friends, they could have taken money *away* from me and I would still be happy. I don’t have to do school anymore! Hooray!
Well those are the highlights. As my parents say, not seeing many new entries in my blog is generally evidence that I’m too busy doing awesome stuff, and it’s pretty much true. I do like keeping various family members updated about my comings-and-goings, though, so I’ll try and keep this thing in full swing. Or at least half-swing.
Some stuff has happened that y’all might want to know about, and so I present the information here, in a convenient and, hopefully, entertaining package. For the edification of all, and for a great opportunity for me to utilize all those sesquipedalian words I absorb so ravenously.
Let’s get started!
- I’ve decided to forgo the construction of my audio studio until after I finish ‘The New World’, my novel in progress. Of course, I really only plan to get through the first draft with it, which is pretty much all I ever do with my writing. I do it for fun, and editing, while interesting and often enlightening, isn’t really ‘fun’.
So this is good news for you that like to read stuff (like me!) because I’ve been working on my writing more…which is to say ‘at all’, really. But I did finish chapter 11, and I’m thinking a couple or three more chapters and the story will be done. How’s that for progress.
- Sick. Well not anymore, but I was. I went to bed on Sunday with a weird headache which had developed into mild ache by Monday morning. No sore throat, though, so I figured it couldn’t be a cold and I went into work anyway. Well by about 10:00 it had progressed to full-on restless ache and I decided I needed to head home. I’d been assigned something, however, that the guy wanted done by Tuesday. I finished it up by lunchtime and then went home. The rest of the day consisted of sleeping and lounging about and more sleeping, and by the time I woke up Tuesday (at around 11, granted) I felt right as rain. So I took a day off to be sick, but it was really more of a couple of half-days.
-Went to a Greek Restaurant called Papadakis Taverno, run by a couple of greek brothers who were also quite good football players when they played at USC. The food was great, and the floor-show was awesome, they came out, did some greek dancing, (these are the owners, mind you) and then brought out a belly dancer and a tap dancer for our enjoyment. It was all quite entertaining. Also great food, and the owners greeted us on the way in and the way out, very cool.
- J(5) leaves for a month in…about a week. I’ll miss her a bunch, but I don’t plan to totally fall apart or anything. At least, ‘totally fall apart’ isn’t on the schedule. I’ll probably end up just doing more writing, drumming, music prep, and reading. It will also make for a good period of ‘self-examination’, just to see how everything goes and how I feel about it. And either way, I’ll bet J(5) is going to have a ton of fun down there. Ultimate adventure!
- Got my raise for getting my masters degree. Nothing epic, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise. Of course, like I told one of my friends, they could have taken money *away* from me and I would still be happy. I don’t have to do school anymore! Hooray!
Well those are the highlights. As my parents say, not seeing many new entries in my blog is generally evidence that I’m too busy doing awesome stuff, and it’s pretty much true. I do like keeping various family members updated about my comings-and-goings, though, so I’ll try and keep this thing in full swing. Or at least half-swing.